Monitor, protect and improve sleep in MIR

somno engineering - revival sleep in ICU


This statement is far too common in intensive care units in France and all around the world.

This observation led us to ask ourselves two questions


The answer to the first question is evident.

Patients in intensive care are rarely in very favourable physical conditions :


All these disorders cause pain and stress. Their health conditions prevent them from sleeping, and they are afraid to close their eyes out of fear of never opening them again.

In addition, they face an environment that is very different from their usual sleeping environment. And for good reason, it is both too bright and too noisy to encourage them to fall asleep.


But that's not all!

Despite their best efforts, medical teams are unable to preserve this sleep. On one hand, because they never really know whether the patient is asleep or not. And on the other hand, because they must regularly enter the rooms to provide care, which tends to wake the patients up.

We all know that sleep deprivation has a major impact on patient recovery, but until we created our product, nothing had changed the situation.

Somno Engineering has developed a solution to this issue : The Sleepscan

À propos de

Somno Engineering

Somno Engineering is the result of scientific, academic and clinical research.

The SleepScan was developed by and for caregivers for the benefit of all.


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The content of this site is reserved for healthcare professionals and provides information on the Sleepscan device, in accordance with the French law n°2011-2012 of December 29, 2011 on reinforcing the safety of medicines and healthcare products, including the application decree on advertising. Click here to confirm that you are a healthcare professional and access the information.