Sleep Scan Recherche

Why ?

Sleep disorder in ICUs is a major health issue :

On more than 850 patients surveyed, the most frequent concern is the lack of sleep.

Up until now, recording sleep has been a real challenge in intensive care units :

On one hand due to technical difficulties

Polysomnographs are bulky, uncomfortable for patients, and disruptive for caregivers when administering care.

Additionally, they record but do not analyse, because the analysis and quantification of sleep in ICUs are specific, and conventional rules do not apply.

Lack of knowledge

Only a few doctors around the world know how to interpret this type of sleep. Consequently, studies on sleep in intensive care are difficult to conduct.

What is the solution for an
effective recording?

Somno Engineering offers you the SleepScanR :

This device includes a miniaturized EEG, an application with dynamic display and a sophisticated algorithm to analyze the sleep of resuscitated patients in real time.


The device is very lightweight and offers optimal comfort for both patients and staff.


of the SleepScanR

The SleepscanR makes it very easy to record and quantify sleep among many patients in critical condition.

In just 10 months, 160 nights of sleep were recorded in intensive care patients!
This is THE ideal solution for conducting large cohort studies on sleep in intensive care, randomized controlled trials or multicenter projects.


User information

The content of this site is reserved for healthcare professionals and provides information on the Sleepscan device, in accordance with the French law n°2011-2012 of December 29, 2011 on reinforcing the safety of medicines and healthcare products, including the application decree on advertising. Click here to confirm that you are a healthcare professional and access the information.